These Rules govern the main issues of the THANHHUYEN store.
General Provisions
1. The store is a commercial enterprise with full cost accounting (it is private).
2. The main tasks of the store are the implementation of retail and wholesale trade in goods and services in a wide range according to its product profile (type).
3. The product profile (type) of the THANHHUYEN store is determined in accordance with the established procedure by the management of the company on the basis of the adopted collective decision, taking into account the provision of the fullest satisfaction of the needs of the population in specialized goods.
4. The store administration strives to provide a high culture of service to customers with the least amount of time spent on shopping. The introduction of modern technologies also contributes to the improvement of the quality of goods and services provided by the THANHHUYEN store, and the achievement of the greatest economic efficiency of the THANHHUYEN company.
5. Working hours of the store – round-the-clock. Those. orders are accepted around the clock and 7 days a week without weekends and holidays. However, orders are processed and sent to the buyer exclusively during business hours – from 9.00 to 18.00. This also applies to virtual goods.
6. The THANHHUYEN online store is the place where an agreement is concluded between the seller and the buyer by placing an order by the buyer (the actual address of the purchase of goods is the buyer’s address indicated in the online store during registration).
2. Terms and definitions:
The term “Seller” means THANHHUYEN. The Buyer means any user registered in the store who intends to purchase, or purchases or uses goods for personal needs, as well as for entrepreneurial activities (wholesale purchase). A product is everything that is provided on the pages of the site, in the store.
In connection with the foregoing, carefully read the text of this Offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the Offer, the Seller invites you to refuse the goods, use the Services.
The acceptance of the Offer is the pressing of a button or a tick or another way of accepting the terms (agreement with the terms) of the Offer and subsequent payment for the Goods, Services of the Seller.
In other words, this document is an oral agreement that is automatically concluded with you after you agree to the terms during registration or ordering. And after making the payment, all the terms of the contract come into legal force.
Changes or additions to this Offer are possible only upon the conclusion of a written Agreement. In this case, the Offer is an integral part of the corresponding written Agreement.
Pressing a button or ticking or another way of accepting the terms (agreement with the terms) of the Offer means the consent of the Buyer (if he is an individual) or an individual – a representative of the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as this clause of the Offer – the subject of personal data), to processing The seller of his personal data in order to be able to fulfill the terms of this Agreement, the possibility of making mutual settlements, as well as to receive invoices, acts and other documents.
1. Subject of the offer
1.1. According to this Offer, the Seller provides Goods, Services at the request of the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Offer at the current prices (hereinafter – the “Prices”) of the Seller. Description of the Goods, Services, their list, information about the Prices can be found on the Official Website of the Seller –, or it is calculated and specified additionally before the sale of the Goods, the provision of Services by sending the corresponding invoice to the Buyer. A copy of the invoice is available immediately after the cost calculation is performed in the Buyer’s personal account (Basket) on the Seller’s website. The Seller’s website, with the exception of the user’s personal account (Shopping Cart – a protected area), is a public resource, that is, one that all Internet users have access to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1.2. When accepting the terms of the Offer, the Buyer undertakes to pay for the Goods, Services selected by him in accordance with the Prices indicated on the Seller’s Official Website or in accordance with the invoice.
1.3. The offer is an official document and has the appropriate legal force and is published on the official website of the THANHHUYEN company –
1.4. The Buyer agrees that all possible disputes regarding this Offer will be resolved in a contractual manner and in accordance with the Legislation of Vietnam.
Briefly: We provide you with goods and services at the prices indicated on the site or according to the invoice. The invoice and your order are always available in your personal account (Cart. Access after authorization on the site), and you agree to pay for goods, services after ordering them.
2. Rights and Obligations of the parties
2. Rights and Obligations of the parties
2.1. Obligations of the Seller:
2.1.1. timely provide Goods and provide Services in compliance with the terms of this Offer;
2.1.2. not to disseminate information received from the Buyer or other sources that goes beyond the terms of this Offer, during the implementation by the Seller of its obligations under this Offer, in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam;
2.1.3. immediately inform the Buyer about the discrepancy of the materials provided by him with the requirements of the Seller or the current legislation of Vietnam. In this case, the term for the delivery of the goods or the performance of the Services may be postponed for the appropriate period during which the Customer provided the relevant corrections to the Seller;
We are obliged to provide goods and services on time and with high quality, not to transfer your confidential information to anyone.
2.2. Obligations of the Buyer:
2.2.1 The Seller has the right to receive the information necessary for the provision of the Services in a timely manner.
2.2.2. The Buyer has the right to inform the Seller about the defects discovered during the sale of the Goods, the provision of the Services.
2.2.3. The Seller has the right to suspend the performance of the Services with the simultaneous notification of the Buyer if the Buyer fails to comply with any agreements and obligations stipulated when concluding this Offer (or any other Agreement with the Buyer) or in the process of its implementation, both in writing and orally; the creation by the Buyer for any reason of conditions, both technical and economic, that prevent the normal completion of this Offer; failure to provide the Buyer with any materials specified in the conclusion of this Offer; untimely or incomplete payment for the Services. In the above paragraphs, if the reasons for the suspension of the Offer are not eliminated, it may be broken (through the fault of the Buyer). In this case, the results of the work performed are not transferred to the Buyer. The resumption of sales, Services is made only after the Buyer has eliminated the reasons that led to the suspension of the Services. The period of sale or performance of the Services is automatically renewed for the downtime.
If you notice that we are doing something wrong, do not hesitate to tell us about it. In turn, we, too, will not be silent if you don’t provide us with something or do something. But we and you must understand that if we do not eliminate all the problems found as soon as possible, the order may take longer.
3. Responsibility of the Parties
3.1. The seller under no circumstances bears any responsibility for:
– any actions/inaction that are a direct or indirect result of the action/inaction of any third parties;
– any indirect losses and/or lost profits of the Buyer and/or third parties, regardless of whether the Seller could foresee the possibility of such losses or not;
– use (impossibility of use) and any consequences of the use (impossibility of use) by the Buyer of the form of payment chosen by him for the Services under this Offer.
– an increase in the term for the execution of sales, Services, in case of inoperability of the work of public services.
3.2. In case of non-fulfilment or inappropriate fulfilment by one of the Parties of its obligations under this Offer, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam.
Please note that we are not responsible if you suffer any consequential damages or lost profits. Also, we cannot be held responsible if government agencies are slow.
3.3. In the event of claims, disputes, the application of penalties by third parties and/or regulatory authorities related to the performance of the Services under this Offer, the Buyer considers and resolves these issues independently, without involving the Seller, and also undertakes to immediately compensate the Seller in full. – any losses, costs, including penalties, arising from the violation of the above rights, guarantees, etc.
3.4. The seller is not responsible for actions (or inaction), as well as decisions made by state and other bodies related to the implementation of this Offer.
3.5. The Seller is not responsible for the increase in the period of Sales or the performance of the Services, in the event of inoperability of the work of state and other bodies associated with the implementation of this Offer.
3.6. The Buyer is fully responsible for compliance with all requirements of Vietnamese legislation and international law, including responsibility for the content of the Application.
3.7. If the Buyer violates the terms of the Offer, the Seller has the right to suspend the sale of Goods or the provision of Services until the Buyer eliminates the violations committed and / or terminate the Offer with a notification sent to the Buyer at the Buyer’s email address specified when sending the Application.
If you violate the terms of the contract, we may suspend the sale of goods or the provision of services, but we will tell you about it.
8. Force majeure
8.1. The Seller and the Buyer are released from non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the current Offer, if such failure or improper fulfillment is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the current Offer are of an unusual nature, and that the Seller and the Buyer are not could neither foresee nor overcome by the means adopted. Such circumstances include: floods, fires, earthquakes, and other natural phenomena, as well as war, hostilities, strikes, acts or actions of the competent authorities, state authorities and any other similar circumstances that are beyond the control of the Parties.
8.2. If the circumstances of force majeure last more than 3 months, either Party has the right to terminate this Offer.
9. Other conditions
9.1. The offer, its conclusion and execution is regulated in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam. All issues not regulated by the Offer or not fully regulated are regulated in accordance with the substantive law of Vietnam. In the event of a disagreement between the Buyer and the Seller regarding the Offer, which cannot be resolved through negotiations between the Parties, they will be settled in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Vietnam.
9.2. The offer is a complete agreement between the Seller and the Buyer. The Seller does not assume any conditions and obligations in relation to the subject of the Offer, except for those specified in the Offer and the confirmed Application, which govern the execution of the Offer, unless such conditions or obligations are fixed in writing and signed by the Seller and the Buyer. In the event that any conditions of the Applications or the Application contradict the terms of the Offer, the provisions of the Offer will prevail.
9.3. If any of the conditions of the Offer is recognized as invalid or illegal, or cannot enter into force in accordance with the current legislation, such a provision should be separated from the Offer and replaced by a new provision that most closely matches the original intentions contained in the Offer, while the remaining provisions of the Offer do not change and remain in effect.
* public offer – an obligation that was made publicly (on a website, in a newspaper or other document that can be seen by many people). The obligation is legal and must be fulfilled. Failure to comply with the obligations under the Offer has legal consequences.
** virtual goods – programs, firmware (firmware), codes and activation keys for programs, chip dumps, etc. goods that are downloaded from the site.
These Rules govern the main issues of the THANHHUYEN store.
General Provisions
1. The store is a commercial enterprise with full cost accounting (it is private).
2. The main tasks of the store are the implementation of retail and wholesale trade in goods and services in a wide range according to its product profile (type).
3. The product profile (type) of the THANHHUYEN store is determined in accordance with the established procedure by the management of the company on the basis of the adopted collective decision, taking into account the provision of the fullest satisfaction of the needs of the population in specialized goods.
4. The store administration strives to provide a high culture of service to customers with the least amount of time spent on shopping. The introduction of modern technologies also contributes to the improvement of the quality of goods and services provided by the THANHHUYEN store, and the achievement of the greatest economic efficiency of the THANHHUYEN company.
5. Working hours of the store – round-the-clock. Those. orders are accepted around the clock and 7 days a week without weekends and holidays. However, orders are processed and sent to the buyer exclusively during business hours – from 9.00 to 18.00. This also applies to virtual goods.
6. The THANHHUYEN online store is the place where an agreement is concluded between the seller and the buyer by placing an order by the buyer (the actual address of the purchase of goods is the buyer’s address indicated in the online store during registration).
2. Terms and definitions:
The term “Seller” means THANHHUYEN. The Buyer means any user registered in the store who intends to purchase, or purchases or uses goods for personal needs, as well as for entrepreneurial activities (wholesale purchase). A product is everything that is provided on the pages of the site, in the store.
In connection with the foregoing, carefully read the text of this Offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the Offer, the Seller invites you to refuse the goods, use the Services.
The acceptance of the Offer is the pressing of a button or a tick or another way of accepting the terms (agreement with the terms) of the Offer and subsequent payment for the Goods, Services of the Seller.
In other words, this document is an oral agreement that is automatically concluded with you after you agree to the terms during registration or ordering. And after making the payment, all the terms of the contract come into legal force.
Changes or additions to this Offer are possible only upon the conclusion of a written Agreement. In this case, the Offer is an integral part of the corresponding written Agreement.
Pressing a button or ticking or another way of accepting the terms (agreement with the terms) of the Offer means the consent of the Buyer (if he is an individual) or an individual – a representative of the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as this clause of the Offer – the subject of personal data), to processing The seller of his personal data in order to be able to fulfill the terms of this Agreement, the possibility of making mutual settlements, as well as to receive invoices, acts and other documents.
1. Subject of the offer
1.1. According to this Offer, the Seller provides Goods, Services at the request of the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this Offer at the current prices (hereinafter – the “Prices”) of the Seller. Description of the Goods, Services, their list, information about the Prices can be found on the Official Website of the Seller –, or it is calculated and specified additionally before the sale of the Goods, the provision of Services by sending the corresponding invoice to the Buyer. A copy of the invoice is available immediately after the cost calculation is performed in the Buyer’s personal account (Basket) on the Seller’s website. The Seller’s website, with the exception of the user’s personal account (Shopping Cart – a protected area), is a public resource, that is, one that all Internet users have access to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1.2. When accepting the terms of the Offer, the Buyer undertakes to pay for the Goods, Services selected by him in accordance with the Prices indicated on the Seller’s Official Website or in accordance with the invoice.
1.3. The offer is an official document and has the appropriate legal force and is published on the official website of the THANHHUYEN company –
1.4. The Buyer agrees that all possible disputes regarding this Offer will be resolved in a contractual manner and in accordance with the Legislation of Vietnam.
Briefly: We provide you with goods and services at the prices indicated on the site or according to the invoice. The invoice and your order are always available in your personal account (Cart. Access after authorization on the site), and you agree to pay for goods, services after ordering them.
2. Rights and Obligations of the parties
2. Rights and Obligations of the parties
2.1. Obligations of the Seller:
2.1.1. timely provide Goods and provide Services in compliance with the terms of this Offer;
2.1.2. not to disseminate information received from the Buyer or other sources that goes beyond the terms of this Offer, during the implementation by the Seller of its obligations under this Offer, in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam;
2.1.3. immediately inform the Buyer about the discrepancy of the materials provided by him with the requirements of the Seller or the current legislation of Vietnam. In this case, the term for the delivery of the goods or the performance of the Services may be postponed for the appropriate period during which the Customer provided the relevant corrections to the Seller;
We are obliged to provide goods and services on time and with high quality, not to transfer your confidential information to anyone.
2.2. Obligations of the Buyer:
2.2.1 The Seller has the right to receive the information necessary for the provision of the Services in a timely manner.
2.2.2. The Buyer has the right to inform the Seller about the defects discovered during the sale of the Goods, the provision of the Services.
2.2.3. The Seller has the right to suspend the performance of the Services with the simultaneous notification of the Buyer if the Buyer fails to comply with any agreements and obligations stipulated when concluding this Offer (or any other Agreement with the Buyer) or in the process of its implementation, both in writing and orally; the creation by the Buyer for any reason of conditions, both technical and economic, that prevent the normal completion of this Offer; failure to provide the Buyer with any materials specified in the conclusion of this Offer; untimely or incomplete payment for the Services. In the above paragraphs, if the reasons for the suspension of the Offer are not eliminated, it may be broken (through the fault of the Buyer). In this case, the results of the work performed are not transferred to the Buyer. The resumption of sales, Services is made only after the Buyer has eliminated the reasons that led to the suspension of the Services. The period of sale or performance of the Services is automatically renewed for the downtime.
If you notice that we are doing something wrong, do not hesitate to tell us about it. In turn, we, too, will not be silent if you don’t provide us with something or do something. But we and you must understand that if we do not eliminate all the problems found as soon as possible, the order may take longer.
3. Responsibility of the Parties
3.1. The seller under no circumstances bears any responsibility for:
– any actions/inaction that are a direct or indirect result of the action/inaction of any third parties;
– any indirect losses and/or lost profits of the Buyer and/or third parties, regardless of whether the Seller could foresee the possibility of such losses or not;
– use (impossibility of use) and any consequences of the use (impossibility of use) by the Buyer of the form of payment chosen by him for the Services under this Offer.
– an increase in the term for the execution of sales, Services, in case of inoperability of the work of public services.
3.2. In case of non-fulfilment or inappropriate fulfilment by one of the Parties of its obligations under this Offer, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam.
Please note that we are not responsible if you suffer any consequential damages or lost profits. Also, we cannot be held responsible if government agencies are slow.
3.3. In the event of claims, disputes, the application of penalties by third parties and/or regulatory authorities related to the performance of the Services under this Offer, the Buyer considers and resolves these issues independently, without involving the Seller, and also undertakes to immediately compensate the Seller in full. – any losses, costs, including penalties, arising from the violation of the above rights, guarantees, etc.
3.4. The seller is not responsible for actions (or inaction), as well as decisions made by state and other bodies related to the implementation of this Offer.
3.5. The Seller is not responsible for the increase in the period of Sales or the performance of the Services, in the event of inoperability of the work of state and other bodies associated with the implementation of this Offer.
3.6. The Buyer is fully responsible for compliance with all requirements of Vietnamese legislation and international law, including responsibility for the content of the Application.
3.7. If the Buyer violates the terms of the Offer, the Seller has the right to suspend the sale of Goods or the provision of Services until the Buyer eliminates the violations committed and / or terminate the Offer with a notification sent to the Buyer at the Buyer’s email address specified when sending the Application.
If you violate the terms of the contract, we may suspend the sale of goods or the provision of services, but we will tell you about it.
8. Force majeure
8.1. The Seller and the Buyer are released from non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the current Offer, if such failure or improper fulfillment is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the current Offer are of an unusual nature, and that the Seller and the Buyer are not could neither foresee nor overcome by the means adopted. Such circumstances include: floods, fires, earthquakes, and other natural phenomena, as well as war, hostilities, strikes, acts or actions of the competent authorities, state authorities and any other similar circumstances that are beyond the control of the Parties.
8.2. If the circumstances of force majeure last more than 3 months, either Party has the right to terminate this Offer.
9. Other conditions
9.1. The offer, its conclusion and execution is regulated in accordance with the current legislation of Vietnam. All issues not regulated by the Offer or not fully regulated are regulated in accordance with the substantive law of Vietnam. In the event of a disagreement between the Buyer and the Seller regarding the Offer, which cannot be resolved through negotiations between the Parties, they will be settled in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Vietnam.
9.2. The offer is a complete agreement between the Seller and the Buyer. The Seller does not assume any conditions and obligations in relation to the subject of the Offer, except for those specified in the Offer and the confirmed Application, which govern the execution of the Offer, unless such conditions or obligations are fixed in writing and signed by the Seller and the Buyer. In the event that any conditions of the Applications or the Application contradict the terms of the Offer, the provisions of the Offer will prevail.
9.3. If any of the conditions of the Offer is recognized as invalid or illegal, or cannot enter into force in accordance with the current legislation, such a provision should be separated from the Offer and replaced by a new provision that most closely matches the original intentions contained in the Offer, while the remaining provisions of the Offer do not change and remain in effect.
* public offer – an obligation that was made publicly (on a website, in a newspaper or other document that can be seen by many people). The obligation is legal and must be fulfilled. Failure to comply with the obligations under the Offer has legal consequences.
** virtual goods – programs, firmware (firmware), codes and activation keys for programs, chip dumps, etc. goods that are downloaded from the site.