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Service Manual and Parts Catalog for the CANON LBP860 Laser Printer


The CANON LBP860 Laser Printer Service Manual and Parts Catalog is a comprehensive guide for repairing and maintaining the Canon LBP860 laser printer. It includes detailed instructions on disassembly, assembly, troubleshooting, and calibration of the printer, as well as a complete parts catalog with diagrams and part numbers for easy identification and ordering. This manual is essential for technicians and service professionals to keep the Canon LBP860 printer in optimal working condition.


CANON LBP860 Laser Printer Service Manual and Parts Catalog

This Service Manual contains basic information required for aftersales service of the laser beam printer LBP800 (hereinafter referred to as the printer). This information is vital to the service technician in maintaining the high print quality and performance of the printer.

Chapter 1: Product Information

Features, specifications, operation, and installation are detailed in this chapter.

Chapter 2: Operation and Timing

A description of the operating principles and timing sequences of the electrical and mechanical systems are provided in this chapter.

Chapter 3: The Mechanical System

This chapter explains mechanical operation, disassembly, reassembly, and adjustment procedures for the printer.

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Includes troubleshooting procedures, reference values and adjustments, maintenance and servicing, etc. for the printer.


The appendix contains a general timing chart, general circuit diagram, and other relevant information.

FORMAT: High resolution PDF document

ZIP archive: 2,276 kB

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