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Service Manual for the CANON CLBP460 Color Laser Printer


The CANON CLBP460 Color Laser Printer Service Manual is a comprehensive guide for repairing and maintaining the CANON CLBP460 Color Laser Printer. This manual contains detailed instructions on how to troubleshoot common issues, disassemble and reassemble the printer, replace parts, and perform routine maintenance tasks. It is a valuable resource for technicians and professionals who need to keep the CANON CLBP460 Color Laser Printer running smoothly.


Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer Service Manual

The Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer Service Manual is essential for aftersales service of the CLBP460PS printer. This manual contains basic information necessary for maintaining the printer’s high print quality and performance.

Product Information

,Chapter 1 of the manual covers features, specifications, operation, and installation of the Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer.

Operation and Timing

,Chapter 2 provides a detailed description of the operating principles and timing sequences of the electrical and mechanical systems of the printer.

The Mechanical System

,In Chapter 3, you will find an explanation of mechanical operation, disassembly, reassembly, and adjustment procedures for the Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer.


,Chapter 4 includes maintenance and servicing guidelines, reference values and adjustments, troubleshooting procedures, as well as information on lubricants and solvents for the printer.


,The manual’s appendix contains a general timing chart, general circuit diagram, and other relevant information for the Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer.

Contact Information

,If you have any questions about the Canon CLBP460 Color Laser Printer Service Manual or need further assistance, feel free to contact us via the following channels:, Telegram:, Facebook:, Whatsapp: